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Understanding Customer Trends and Needs
When faced with the hurdle of customer churn, you're likely well aware of the factors at play: a poor understanding of your customers' health score, a lack of regular engaging communication, and clients who simply aren't recognizing the value of your product. All of these components involve an intricate process of knowing your client beyond superficial metrics. Done manually, however, this can easily seem daunting; which makes tapping into the power of automation all the more critical. Let customer success automation handle the tedious, repetitive and straightforward tasks of sorting through client data, programming emails for product updates, and much more so that your customer success team can focus on problem-solving and fostering quality relations.
How Automation Can Help Your Customer Success Team Thrive
One of the recurrent challenges faced by many customer success teams is maintaining consistent customer satisfaction, particularly when experiencing a business growth spurt. In other words, how can your business continue to provide top-notch customer experiences when the pace of new clients streaming in is overwhelming your team's limited capacity? This is particularly salient given that customer success involves lengthier interactions to allow for relationship-building as well as adequately conveying the true value of your product or service.
80% of clients surveyed admit that poor customer experience would compel them to cease their business and seek other options.
Moreover, ensuring an elevated standard of customer experience is vital if you're concerned with encouraging loyalty and minimizing churn. In fact, 80% of clients surveyed admit that poor customer experience would compel them to cease their business and seek other options. As such, one of the biggest roadblocks in preventing this client dissatisfaction from manifesting into something more serious is by being fully aware of the issue in the first place. And for those who do have reams of user feedback, many find themselves ill-equipped to transform this feedback into actionable insight to then share with their product development team.
Integrating Automation Across Customer Success Tasks
To relieve the burden of these common obstacles, many customer success teams are now turning to automation to help them achieve consistent goals without expending precious resources. An automation platform like Wrk has the rare capacity to automate the entire customer success process, rather than focusing on merely one facet of it. For instance, some of the business processes that you can automate using a powerful yet seamless platform like Wrk's include:
Relaying product updates in a timely fashion
Encouraging and incentivizing customer feedback, and
Ensuring smooth client onboarding
Combining Robotic Process Automation (RPA), proprietary bots, artificial intelligence as well as a skilled, global workforce, means the Wrk Platform can actually execute and complete tasks related to the processes listed above. This is crucial for long-term growth where, for example, staying on top of communicating product updates improves your customer relationships in the long run by signalling transparency and adaptability—because ultimately, customers are more likely to trust a brand that's open and honest about self-improvement.
Let's take a closer look at the processes your customer success team can automate with Wrk.
Automate with Ease: 4 Steps Your Customer Success Team Should Automate in 2021
Product Updates
You'll want to inform your clients of any new features and enhancements to your product as soon as they have been implemented. Get a headstart on this process by leveraging the convenience of email marketing. Email automation allows you to craft personalized messages that offer individualized recommendations and this is important, with studies confirming that consumers are significantly more likely to respond to personalized content.
Client Onboarding
The client onboarding stage of the customer success journey is your golden opportunity to make that critical first impression. Don't blow it!
Survey Deployment
Soliciting feedback from clients is paramount to minimizing churn, maximizing retention and eventually, growing your business. As the leader of a customer success team, closing the customer feedback loop involves anticipating problems before the client brings them to your attention; otherwise, if a client complaint arises, resolving the issue swiftly is also likely to work in your favour.
Assessing Customer Health
Assessing your customer’s health score is essential in determining the value your customer is getting out of your product or service.
Less Tedium, More Face Time: Regaining Opportunities to Connect
At first thought, adopting automation within your customer success team may seem paradoxical—after all, customer success is concerned with bringing about personalized solutions tailored to each client’s needs. In reality though, your team stands to gain newfound time when they experience the convenience of automated solutions for various stages (from timely product updates to soliciting sincere client feedback). It's essential to view automation as a strategic lever that places humans—both customers and staff—at the centre of its efforts. As a platform that's founded on the symbiosis between human potential and machine power, Wrk's automated solutions are that strategic lever—one that allows your team to focus on what matters most: nurturing relationships.
Learn more about how customer success automation can serve your team by visiting our Customer Success Hub
Featured Image: Toa Heftiba
Start Automating with Wrk
Kickstart your automation journey with the Wrk all-in-one automation platform