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Wrk Action Library

  Fill out an online form
Fill out a form on any website with no code. Inputs: Website link and form instructions Outputs: None Outcomes: Success, missing info or unsuccessful
$0.25 / result
  Wait for a response from a user form
Wait for a response from a user form. To create a user input form use the “Create user input form” Wrk Action. Inputs: Form ID and wait time limit Outputs: Optional text field and submitter’s email Outcomes: Yes, no, or no result
$0.005 / result
  Create a user input form
Create a form to get user input. This will generate a link which can be distributed for input. When used with the ‘Wait for a response from a user form’ the Wrkflow will wait for a form submission before continuing. Note: The form that gets created will contain one “yes or no” question with an optional field where users can write freeform text if a response is required. See documentation for an image of a sample form. Inputs: Form title and form instructions Outputs: Response link and form ID Outcomes: Success
$0.005 / result